A perfect thirst quencher for summer with buttermilk, ginger, curry leaves, green chilli, shallots and salt. This is also served during ela sadhyas.
Curd- 2 cups
Water – 2-3 cups
Ginger- a small piece
Curry leaves- 3 spring
Shallots/Kunjulli-3 nos
Green chilli- 2 nos
Salt as needed

Using a mortar and pestle, crush ginger, green chilli, curry leaves and shallots. Set this aside.
Using a blender, blend curd with water. Add set aside crushed ingredients and salt . Pour into glasses and serve chilled.

A very interesting and tasty drink!
Moum Vellam…oru glass Eniku vennam 🙂 so yummy!!!
This is a new drink for me. I wonder how it tastes like.
Amazing and aromatic, just the drink we need right now.
refreshing foamy drink pls. pass me that cup